Dr. Roseman can offer long-distance healing sessions for her clients who are unable to see her in person.  Once you sign up for a session at a mutually agreed upon time, Dr. Roseman will work with a template of your body in order to access what you need at that particular time and remember that our physical, emotional and spiritual bodies change all the time.  After a brief consultation with you either by phone or by email, you will have the chance to explain your particular concerns at this time. You can also decide which type of healing session you would like.  The healing sessions you can choose from include: spectra-immunology TM, (applied light and color frequencies to the body) , Spectra-Light Reiki, (Reiki medicine with non-applied light),or a shamanic healing session.  Initial sessions are $120. and any follow up healing session is $85.  Please note that the initial session usually is about an hour and a half and follow-up sessions are forty-five minutes.  If you would like to arrange for a session please contact her at Dancejan@aol.com.


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